Auto Repair Services

Nonos 76 Complete Auto Repair Services


Nonos76 offers complete automotive solutions at great prices. From oil changes to transmission replacements, to front end alignments and factory scheduled maintenance services, our auto repair services come complete.

Smog Checks

No Schedule Needed • Free Retest if Services are Provided by Nonos76
15 Minute Average Wait Time
Over 30 Years of Smog Experience

Auto Electrical Services

We inspect the battery, starter and alternator. Much of your electrical system maintenance can be done through us

Engine Repair & Maintenance

Proper maintenance could mean the difference between a working vehicle and spending thousands of dollars on repairs.

Transmission Services

Never forget that most transmission problems start out small but get much worse over time. Take care of your transmission today.

Steering and Suspension

The steering and suspension system needs to be inspected yearly, and perhaps more often depending on driving conditions.


The friction material on the pads can last 40,000-60,000 miles, which can be as long as five years, according to how many miles you drive.

Auto AC and Heating Services

Heating and A/C systems break eventually with usage, hose pipes may clog and drip if not serviced, causing reduced efficiency.

Tire Rotations

Tires need to be rotated on a regular schedule, in order to improve their longevity as well as keep them in optimum handling condition.

Tire Balancing

If overlooked, unbalanced tires can lead to uneven wear, vibration, and potentially unsafe driving conditions.

Wheel Alignment

A vehicle with out-of-spec wheel alignment costs you money in terms of premature tire wear and poorer fuel economy.